How to send sms alert when barcode scanned

The next guide gives you an idea of how you can create a barcode scanner and send alerts via SMS message when it detects a barcode. The guide provides a step by step guide, which demonstrates the way how you will be able to create an SMS connection, a barcode scanner connection and how you can connect them to each other to send the barcode alerts via SMS message.

Step 1 - Open Control Panel

In the first step of this guide, you need to open the Control Panel. You can do this by opening Ozeki in your web browser, and on the Desktop, click on the icon of the Control Panel as you can see it in Figure 1.

open control panel
Figure 1 - Open Control Panel

Step 2 - Create new connection

In the Control Panel application, you need to create an SMS modem connection to be able to send the alert messages from the barcode scanner. To do that, first, click on the Create new Connection, and here, you need to select the Messaging option as Figure 2 shows it below.

create new connection
Figure 2 - Create new connection

Next, you will be able to see all the messaging connections that you can establish in Ozeki. To follow the guidelines of this page, now you need to create an SMS modem connection, so at this point, just click on SMS like in Figure 3.

sms type connection
Figure 3 - SMS type connection

The next menu shows the available SMS connections for you. Here you can create a CIMD2, SMPP client, or an HTTP server. But this guide requires an SMS modem connection, so just click on the SMTP icon (Figure 4).

sms type connection
Figure 4 - SMS modem type connection

Step 4 - Connect to GSM modem

Before creating the SMS modem connection, you need to provide some details in the Connection details menu. First, you need to give a name to the connection, then select the port, where you connected the SMS modem to. As Figure 5 shows that, you can select the Autodetect option, which will automatically detect which port your SMS modem is connected to.

select modem port
Figure 5 - Select modem port

After selecting the Autodetect option, the following window pops up like in Figure 6. This window shows all information about the connected SMS modem. If your SMS modem detected successfully, you can just click on OK to create the SMS modem connection.

connection autodetect
Figure 6 - Connection autodetect

Step 5 - Enable GSM modem

The created SMS modem connection will show up in the list of available connections in Control Panel. By default, the connection is disabled, so to activate it, just click on the Status bar as you can see it in Figure 7, and is the status turns green, that means the SMS modem is now enabled and ready to use.

enable gsm modem
Figure 7 - Enable GSM modem

Step 6 - Open Camera Recorder

After you created the SMS modem connection, you need to establish the barcode scanner connection. To do that, just navigate back to the Ozeki Desktop, and here, just select the Camera Recorder application (Figure 8).

open camera recorder
Figure 8 - Open Camera Recorder

Step 7 - Create new Vision connection

In the Camera Recorder application, to create the barcode scanner, first click on Create new Camera, and from the available options, select the Vision as Figure 9 demonstrates it.

create new vision connection
Figure 9 - Create new Vision connection

The Vision menu contains all the computer vision connections, that you can create in Camera Recorder. Now, this guide requires you to create a barcode scanner, so at this point, you have to click on Barcode (Figure 10).

select barcode connection
Figure 10 - Select Motion connection

Step 8 - Specify barcode connection details

Next, you need to define the details for the barcode scanner. First, you need to select the camera, that you would like to use as a barcode scanner. Then, check the Send alert message option, and select the SMS modem connection that you created before. At this point, you need to type the phone number where you want to send the alert and type the message itself. Lastly, check the option that ensures that the barcode will be sent as well, as an attachment (Figure 11). Finally, just click on OK.

specify barcode connection details
Figure 11 - Specify motion connection details

Step 9 - Barcode scanner created

After you created the barcode scanner, it will show up in the list of the camera connections. To check that, just select the Cameras menu and you will be able to see the created barcode scanner like in Figure 12.

barcode scanner created
Figure 12 - Barcode scanner created

Step 10 - SMS received

At the end of the guide, now you can test your solution. To test the barcode scanner, just show a barcode in front of the connected camera, and if you have done everything correctly till this point, you will receive the message from the barcode scanner as you can see it in Figure 13.

sms received
Figure 13 - SMS received